User and accesses

  • Updated

This article is about:

  1. Adding a new user to your home
  2. Adding a PIN code for the user
  3. Deleting users from your home
  4. Modifying user information

You can have complete control over who has access to your home and specify the limitations for your users. Additionally, you can set personal PIN codes for the home's users and determine user roles through settings in the alarm card.

Access to "Users and Access" can be found on the smart alarm card under settings. When you tap on "Users and Access," you will see an overview of the users in your home. Here, you have the ability to "add" and "delete users."


1) Adding a new user to your home:

  1. Tap "Administration" 
  2. Tap "Users"
  3. Tap the "+" icon in the upper right corner.
  4. Select "Add Access."
  5. Enter the email of the new user.
  6. Determine the role the user should have.
  7. Tap "Add" in the upper right corner.

Note! The new user will need to confirm via email and create a new user in the app with a name and password. They should also download the Eva Smart Home app.


2) Adding PIN codes for users:

  1. Go to the alarm card.
  2. Tap on "Users and Access."
  3. Tap on the specific user to set a PIN code.


Note: You must have "Require PIN code" activated for your home before setting a PIN code for the user. The PIN code will only apply in the app. You can use a PIN code on the code panel as well.


3) Deleting users from your home:

  1. Tap "Administration."
  2. Select "Users."
  3. Choose the user you want to remove access for.
  4. Tap "Edit."
  5. Tap "Remove Access."

4) Modifying user information:

Here, you can make changes to the user's name, PIN code, role, and email.

  1. Tap "Users and Access."
  2. Tap "Edit." You will now have the option to remove the user by revoking access.

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